Prayer of Faith

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us).”   Matthew 1:23


The very fact that you brought a baby into the world through a virgin stretches my mind to its limits. You are the Creator and You alone can defy the natural laws of creation which You set up.  You are God and you became man, God with us, Immanuel.  Thank you merciful Father.  Thank you my great Rescuer.

Even knowing your power and majesty, I still struggle to believe that You can untangle the difficult situations in my life.  Forgive my unbelief and strengthen my faith.  You are with me.  You see me.  You have a plan that I cannot foresee.  No Israelite ever stood on the shore of the Red Sea and thought you would part the water, but You did.  Give me faith to trust that You know a way that I absolutely cannot see.  Lift my eyes off my circumstances so that I do not miss your work, so that I do not miss You.  When emotions cloud truth, help me remember that You are Immanuel, and You will never leave your people.

Lord, I praise You for your faithfulness, mercy, gentleness, and truth.  May all those in need know You as Immanuel today and every day.  May that knowledge strengthen our faith and make us stable, joyful bearers of your light and love.  Thank you.  Amen


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